I’ve been designing since 2001, for clients across Canada and the US, from ads to corporate brochures to full magazine design and social media content strategies. Each project presents its own technical challenges, narrative design, and the artistic expression of the client’s goals.
As part of my Bachelor of Design (University of Alberta), I attended an invaluable summer course in typography taught by Gerry Leonidas of Reading University (UK) and Canadian Robert Bringhurst, author of The Elements of Typographic Style, which profoundly influenced the way I think about and approach typography within design.

After university I worked for a year and a half in the marketing department of a major Saskatoon manufacturer, then opened the doors on Foxtail Studio in 2006. One of my main roles from 2008 to 2016 was managing editor and lead designer for the Canadian Arabian Horse News, a semi-annual publication of the Canadian Arabian Horse Registry. Between the magazine and another fly-in designer gig for the daily show magazine Results, I traveled to many national-level events for nearly a decade, including Canadian and US Arabian Nationals, the Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show, and Spruce Meadows Masters. (Airport lover here – Minneapolis, Vancouver, Houston, Phoenix, Denver, I <3 you. Toronto, I left you off the list on purpose.) It was at these shows that I honed my skills as a photographer and I now offer portrait, editorial & documentary photography services to clients as well.
As part of a constantly changing media industry, I’m always experimenting with new programs and methods. At base is a thorough technical knowledge of file preparation for 4-color press, large format printing, and online environments. I use the Adobe Suite, Affinity, Final Cut Pro X as a video editor, and a ton of specialized online apps for social media content production.
And although our work environment may be constantly changing, these things never change: the need for arresting visuals that resonate with your identity, a brilliant story to back them up, and the technical knowledge to carry through on intentions.